Teaching Your Kids to Get out of the Pool

Your kids need to know how to get out of the pool safely. Even when they’re not yet strong swimmers, this one skill can help to save your kids’ lives. Don’t put off teaching them this essential swimming skill.

Teaching Your Kids to Get out of the Pool

Your kids have to know how to hold onto the edge of the pool and climb out, either directly from anywhere on the wall or by moving along the wall to the pool’s stairs or ladder. Most kids learn to do this quickly, but you’ll want to practice in every swimming lesson until it becomes an automatic part of what they do in the pool.

Stage 1

In the first swimming lesson addressing this skill, you’re going to teach your child to hold on to the edge of the pool and climb out. The first stage of this skill is learning to hold onto the wall and move.

While you hold your child by the waist, have him hold onto the edge with both hands. Keep a firm grip, but reduce the amount of support you’re providing so that your child’s body is supported by the water. Have him practice moving along the wall by pulling himself with his hands.

Stage 2

Stand next to your child while he holds onto the edge of the pool with both hands. Keep a gentle touch on his back so that he knows that you’re there if he needs you. Move with him as he pulls himself with his hands to the ladder or stairs. Hold his waist or support his back as he climbs out.


Stand back from your child while he holds onto the wall and moves himself. Stay near him but out of reach, and let him climb the ladder or stairs to get out of the pool by himself.

Practicing this skill should be an important part of every swimming lesson until your kids can accomplish it effortlessly. Your kids need to be comfortable enough with this skill that they can get out of the pool without having to think about it, even in an emergency situation or when they’re panicked. That means lots of practice to move this swimming skill from the conscious mind to automatic muscle memory.