Teaching Your Kids to Get into the Pool: Stage 1

Your goal for teaching your kids to get into the pool is for them to be able to get into the pool safely by themselves. It seems simple enough to sit on the edge and hop in when you’ve been doing it for years, but your approach to this first step in learning to swim will make a difference in how your kids view the whole process. Here are specific steps for teaching your kids.

Your kids will get into the pool either by using the stairs or pool ladder, by sitting on the edge of the pool and lowering themselves in, or by standing on the edge and jumping into the pool, assuming it’s at least five feet deep.

Initially, though, you’ll be providing lots of physical and emotional support. As your child becomes more comfortable, you’ll gradually remove that support and give him more independence.

Stage 1 of Teaching Kids How to Get into the Pool

Start by getting into the water with your child. You should work on this in water that’s shallow enough for you to feel securely balanced and not too buoyant when you stand, around three to four feet deep.

Have your child sit on the edge of the pool. Sit next to him. Keeping one hand on your child to make sure he’s secure, lower yourself into the water.

Turn to face him, move your body close to the edge of the pool so that your body is just touching his legs, and grasp his waist firmly but gently with your hands. Reassure him that you have a firm grip. Lift him and hold him against your body.

Initially, having lots of body contact will help your child feel secure. He’ll feel most secure if his whole body is touching yours. Eye contact will also help your child feel secure. Hold your child close to your body.

Practice the first stages of feeling the water and holding onto the wall and getting out before moving on to the next stage.

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