6 Truths Your Kids Know That Aren’t True in the Water

By the time they’re up and running, your kids know a lot about the world. They may not be able to explain physics concepts, but they know them. Gravity? Check. Momentum? Check.

Not all of the things your kids have learned about the world from the time they’ve spent experimenting on land are true in the water. These six characteristics of swimming make learning to swim unlike the land-based skills your kids already know. If you can help your kids understand these differences, you’ll have an easier time teaching them to swim.

6 Characteristics of Swimming That Are Different from Land-Based Skills


Swimming isn’t about brute strength. It’s about finesse. It’s not what you’ve got; it’s how you use it. The better your child gets at swimming with good form, the less effort he’ll need to swim farther, faster. Your child knows that he can run faster if he ups his effort. You’ll need to help teach him that swimming better, not harder, will improve his performance.


Coordinating the movement of all the parts of the body in relationship to each other is key to swimming comfortably. Your child already knows how to do this intuitively if he can run. If he can skip, throw a ball, or kick, he’s beginning to understand this concept in a more conscious way. In swimming, the rhythm of movement determines whether you move at all in a way that it doesn’t on land. You’ll need to teach the importance of coordinated movement in swimming.


Most of the power in swimming comes from the arms, the core, and the hips. The rhythm of the movement makes it work. Kicking provides stability but not much propulsion. This is exactly the opposite of land-based activities like running and biking, where the legs and core provide the power and the arms are secondary.


There’s much less resistance when you move your body through air than there is when you move through water, so reducing drag in the water is more important in swimming than it is in land-based activities. Any part of your body that’s moving forward should be slicing through the water, disturbing it as little as possible. Any part of your body that’s moving backwards should be maximizing resistance, using the water to push or pull against. When you’re teaching your kids to swim, you’ll need to give them plenty of practice and experience with what happens when they push and pull in the water.


A big shift in skill and ability will happen when your child learns to relax in the water. Ironically, it’s hard to relax in the water until you have enough skill to feel comfortable. You can help him by providing all the support he needs.


Nowhere is the concept of going with the flow clearer than in the water. It’s easier to go with the flow than against the flow of the water. It’s also more efficient and effective. On land, if it feels easier, it means you’re not trying harder. In swimming, making it feel easier is good.

The big picture

Keep these concepts in mind as you plan your lessons and as you spend time in and out of the pool with your child. Using these fundamentals to inform how you teach will allow your child to have the best, smoothest, fastest learning experience.

Time to Play! Getting out of the Pool

Kids learn by playing. The more you can make learning to swim fun for your kids, the more they’ll like it, the quicker they’ll learn, and the more fun you’ll have teaching them.

One of the most important skills you can teach your kids when they’re learning to swim is how to get out of the pool by themselves. The easiest places to get out of the pool are the stairs or pool ladder. Your kids need to be able to get to the stairs or ladder from other parts of the pool. You can make a game out of practicing this critical swimming skill.

While your child holds onto the edge of the pool, show him how to move by pulling himself along the edge with his hands. Move one hand. Then move the other hand to meet it. Practice moving along the wall this way. Now turn it into a game.

Have your child move his hands like cars in a traffic jam. One car has to move before the other can move into position next to it. No passing! Do your kids’ hands wait patiently, or do they honk their horns? What kinds of horns do they have? Are they loud eighteen-wheeler wailers or cute mini beeps?

I guarantee that this swimming lesson will be the most fun you have in traffic all day.

The Hidden Flaw in Most Kids’ Swimming Lessons

Most swimming lessons have an important flaw that isn’t obvious. It’s something that you can easily avoid when you’re teaching your own kids to swim. It has everything to do with the school’s convenience and your convenience and nothing to do with the best way for kids to learn to swim. It can make the difference between your kids being willing to hop into the pool with big, goofy smiles and their whining at the mention of a lesson.

What Is This Disastrous Flaw?

Simple as it might sound, commercial swimming lessons are too long. I’ve never found one shorter than half an hour, and most are forty-five minutes or even an hour long. That’s way too long for kids.

How Long Swimming Lessons Should Last and Why

Each lesson should last fifteen to twenty minutes. If your kids seem happy to keep going and look comfortable in the water—not too cold or tired—you can spend as long as half an hour on your lesson, but that’s the exception, not the rule.

Here are the problems with longer lessons:

  1. Kids get cold. It’s one thing if they’re driving their own agenda. If they’re engaged in a rousing game of Marco Polo, they might not care that their lips have turned blue, but if you’re trying to teach them to swim, their discomfort will make it hard for your kids to have fun and retain new information.
  2. Kids get tired. It’s exhausting to practice a new physical skill. It taxes the body and the mind. A kid who might run around the park at top speed for a couple of hours in a row is using muscles in new and different ways when he’s learning to swim. He’s also having to focus on each move his body makes.

Ideally, you should work on teaching your kids to swim in short, frequent bursts. A few lessons a day at fifteen minutes each works great if you have your own pool and a wide open summer with nothing but time.

Even if that ideal isn’t practical for you, keeping lessons short and frequent—fitting in a few a week if possible—will benefit you and your kids. Your kids will learn as much in fifteen minutes as they would in a half an hour or longer, and you and your kids will all be much happier.

The Critical Component of Learning That Gets No Respect

We all know what learning looks like. It’s a bald guy with glasses, sitting quietly in a tower reading philosophy or math and taking occasional breaks to sustain himself with sips of tepid water and nibbles of dry bread crusts. Learning any other way is a pale imitation of that ideal, right?

Of course not, but something close to that is what we expect when it comes to our kids’ learning. We want them to pay attention to the teacher. We want them to buckle down and concentrate. We want them to do it the way grownups do.

The reality is that even adults benefit from another kind of learning that yields better, faster results than the old school, ruler-to-the-knuckles style. What is it?

The Critical Component of Learning That Gets No Respect

What is this super learning tool, and how can you use it to teach your kids to swim?

It’s play. When kids—and adults, for that matter—play, they explore situations beyond what they’ve actually experienced, develop problem-solving skills, and create new neural networks.

When your kids are creating huge towers out of blocks, they’re learning physics. When they play princess or imagine being cats, they’re learning sociology and psychology. When they play with plants or bugs, they’re learning biology.

They’re also learning how to think, they’re learning about themselves and other people, and they’re creating friendships with the people they play with. Playing is a safe way for the brain to learn, because you can use your imagination without risk.

You can take advantage of this when you’re teaching your kids to swim by using your imagination to create games and ways of looking at the lessons you’re teaching that turn them into play.

Make improving form a game. Make getting from one place to another a race. Make learning a new swimming skill a secret mission. This isn’t just a chance for your kids to play, it’s a chance for you to play and a chance for you all to play together. What’s more fun than that? As a special bonus, they’re learning to swim.

If you’re out of creative ideas for teaching swimming skills, check this site every Friday for specific ideas.